Our Expertise and Services
Our comprehensive services and solutions can help improving success rate for every company we advise, no matter the size or from whichever sectors of the latex industry. Learn more about our areas of expertise below.
Preservation of field latex and latex concentrates, effects of rubber particle size and size distribution, stability and destabilisation of latex, factors affecting latex stability, importance of process controls by latex producers, significance of some parameters in latex specification and how to specify such parameters to suit one's processes, tests for latex stability, how to handle poor quality and destabilised latex, how to control gelling rate of latex, wetting property of latex, selection of suitable coagulants for latex, how to overcome destabilization problems such as coagulum, viscosity, prevulcanisation and post-vulcanisation, precautions in storage and handling of latex, etc.
Types of dipping, straight dipping, coagulant dipping, single and multiple straight and coagulant dipping, and heat sensitized dipping, types of coagulant, types of heat sensitizer, compounding and maturation, all stages of dipping process for gloves, condoms, toy balloons, catheters, etc. starting from former cleaning, latex dipping, drying and vulcanising, leaching and stripping, latex dip tank design, process controls, importance of latex compound design, flocking, halogenation, roughening and jazzing, etc.
Recommended remedial actions for defects caused by latex stability, poor gel strength, poor drying, poor vulcanisation, poor latex compound design, discolouration, poor physical properties, poor wetting of coagulant and latex, dirty formers, uneven latex pick-up, air-trapped, tackiness, vertical and horizontal lines, blooming, mold growth, poor control of chlorination process, 17 possible causes of pin holes, etc.
Natural Rubber Latex Technology
Latex Dipping Technology
Remedial Actions for Faults and Defects
Types of polychloroprene, effects of gel content and rate of crystallization, polarity, Tg, ozone resistance, flame retardancy, hydrolysis and importance of pH control and latex stability, hydrolysis and vulcanisation, storage life, latex specification, compounding, recommended surfactants, cross-linking of polychloroprene latex, importance of metallic oxide, recommended accelerators, recommended cure recipes, antioxidants, air permeability and its importance in dipping process, etc.
Formation of nitrosamines and nitrosatables, classification by The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), Regulations and Standards, the 13 nitrosamines being controlled, baby teats/soothers, toy balloons and condoms, recommended strategies for controlling the formation of nitrosamines, selection of accelerators, recommended formulations, importance of leaching, mechanism of leaching, best approach in leaching, incoming latex concentrates and compounding ingredients, etc.
Importance of the basic properties of Nitrile rubber such as Tg (Glass Transition Temperature) and low temperature flexibility, Acrylonitrile content, polarity and oil resistance, polarity and resistance to polar and non-polar solvents, air permeability (higher activation energy for diffusion), hysteresis (permanent set, stress relaxation, elasticity), important parameters in specification of Nitrile latex, cross-linking and vulcanisation of Nitrile latex, main differences in dipping process compared to natural Rubber latex and hence the required recommended precautions, etc.
Nitrile Latex Technology
Reduction/Elimination of Nitrosamines
Polychloroprene Latex Technology
Preparation of Chemical Dispersions
Choice of dispersant, mechanism of dispersing and grinding, overcoming agglomeration, ionic and steric stabilisation, effect of particle size, SG and pH, recommended formulations, types and selection of milling media and milling machines, etc.
Nitrile Latex Technology
Prevulcanised Latex and Post-vulcanisable Latex
Meaning and mechanism of prevulcanisation, design of latex compound formulation for low/medium/high modulus, method of prevulcanisation, differences in physical properties and solvent resistance of of films from both prevulcanised latex and post-vulcanisable latex, importance of leaching, effect of polarity of rubber molecules, advantages and disadvantages of prevulcanised latex, etc.